Many patients have breasts that are too large for their body’s frame to support. In addition to causing back pain and skin irritation, overly large breasts can also have a negative effect on self-confidence. To help patients achieve a smaller, more proportionate bust line, Summit Plastic Surgery & Med Spa provides breast reduction procedures for appropriate candidates. Dr. Matt Chhatre will discuss the benefits of breast reduction and answer all of your questions at our Kansas City, MO, office during your consultation.

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Relief For Back Pain And Strained Muscles

Overly large breasts can lead to pain and discomfort in the upper back, neck, shoulders, and chest wall. A disproportionate bust line may even cause tingling in the hands, poor posture, sleep problems, and migraine headaches. Women who have large breasts may become fatigued and have difficulty breathing when performing regular daily tasks. The weight of large breasts puts added stress on the back muscles and causes discomfort while exercising. Many women avoid working out to reduce this discomfort, which can result in weight gain. Breast reduction surgery can effectively reduce excessive weight and eliminate the associated pain, discomfort, and complications that may arise.

Eliminate The Cause Of Skin Irritation

Women with large breasts may suffer from two primary skin irritations. Many patients experience inflammation and tenderness in the shoulders from the pressure of their bra straps carrying the added weight of the breasts. Custom bras have been designed to help reduce this pain by distributing the weight more evenly across the larger surface area of a wider strap. However, this type of product does not help patients suffering from the second form of skin irritation.

Breast reduction surgery can reduce or eliminate both types of primary skin irritation and relive painful symptoms.

Many women develop a rash beneath the breasts called intertrigo. This type of rash can occur anywhere on the body where perspiration cannot evaporate. Patients with large breasts often develop this rash in the breast fold where the skin from the breast remains in constant contact with the skin of the chest wall. Breast reduction surgery can reduce or eliminate both types of primary skin irritation and relive painful symptoms.

Improved Mental And Physical Wellbeing

Following surgery, you will find that clothing fits much better, right off the rack. This can open a whole new world of possibilities with self-expression through your attire, and you can feel confident in your appearance. In addition, you will be able to purchase bras that you like instead of being restricted to those that you need, and the weight of your breasts will no longer cause leave painful indentations on your shoulders. With breasts that are more proportionate to your body size, you will be able to exercise without pain or discomfort, which can lead to an enhanced sense of mental and physical wellbeing.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you have overly large breasts that have caused pain or discomfort and would like to learn more about the benefits of breast reduction surgery, please contact our practice today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Chhatre.