Sciton Joule Platform
The Sciton Joule Platform provides a wide variety of esthetic skin care procedures for a wide array of skin conditions and irregularities. This platform offers an unprecedented array of light wavelengths and lasers to allow us to offer maximum versatility in esthetic procedures. If you are in the Kansas City area and are looking for the perfect treatment to make you skin look better than ever, contact our office today for your complimentary skin analysis.
Halo Hybrid Fractionated Laser
Halo is the latest technology on the Scition Joule Platform. Halo is the worlds first dual wavelength hybrid laser. This multifunctional laser efficaciously targets skin imperfections such as; fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, uneven skin tone, pore size and laxity. If you’re ready for your Halo glow, contact our office for a detailed complimentary skin analysis.
BroadBand Light is the perfect choice for non-invasive esthetic treatments. Whether you’re suffering from sun damage, rosacea or acne, a BBL treatment will be just what you need to achieve the clear skin you’ve always wanted.
Skin Tyte
Skin Tyte uses infrared energy to heat deep tissue which stimulates collagen contraction. This procedure can be done anywhere on the body where there is loose skin. If you are not quite ready for surgery and are wanting to achieve a more youthful appearance contact our Kansas City area office today to determine if Skin Tyte is the right option for you.
Combination Treatments
Each procedure listed above offers amazing results on their own, however, some procedures can be combined for unmatched results ending in the most beautiful, clear young looking skin. Contact our office for a complimentary skin analysis with our licensed esthetician, Kelsey, for a treatment plan tailored to your specific desires.