Submuscular breast augmentation involves placing a breast implant behind the pectoral muscle. This muscle is only attached to the chest wall by its edges, thus providing a space underneath where the breast implant can be placed.

Generally, the pectoral muscle will cover about two-thirds of a breast implant. When the breast implant is not completely covered by muscle, then it is called a partial submuscular breast augmentation.

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Submuscular placement can be achieved by the use of inframammary breast implant incisions.

The advantages of submuscular (under the muscle) placement include:

  • Allows the breast implant to be fully covered by the breast tissue and muscle, helping to hide the edges of the implant to create a more natural and pleasing appearance
  • Allows the breast implant to be fully covered by the breast tissue and muscle, creating a more natural feel
  • May produce more favorable results in women with smaller breasts than other kinds of implant placements
  • Studies show that submuscular placement of breast implants is least likely to interfere with mammography exams
  • Lowers the risk of a condition called capsular contracture, or the tightening of scar tissue around a breast implant. This condition may distort the appearance of the breast, creating an unnatural and painful firmness
  • Lowers the possibility of a breast implant ending up too low on the chest wall, or the nipples too high on the breasts

All our sub muscular breast augmentation surgeries are performed in the privacy and seclusion of our own Ambulatory Surgical Center – the first of its kind in Missouri. If you would like to learn more about sub muscular placement at the Summit Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, please contact our breast augmentation experts at Summit Plastic Surgery and Med Spa to schedule your  initial consultation with Dr. Chhatre.