Over the years medical spa treatments have been sought after by men more than ever before. Maintaining skin health, correcting damage or removing hair are leading the list for the 5 top medical spa treatments for men. It’s not just for the ladies any more and we love seeing our male clients take care of their skin. If you’re interested in learning more about which treatments would best suit you or the man in your life, contact our Kansas City Medical Spa today. Our licensed estheticians, Natalie and Heather, offer complimentary skin consultations. Read below to see our top 5 medical spa treatments for men.
Diamond Glow Facials
Facials are a common treatment for men to start with. It is the best way to assess and clean the skin at one time. By using the diamond cut microdermabrasion tip, your esthetician will be able to remove dead skin cells, infuse the proper serum for the skin and do mechanical and physical extractions. This treatment brightens and cleans the skin to another level. Our male clients absolutely love the look and feel of their skin following their Diamond Glow. It’s a quick treatment with no downtime, so it’s easy to go back to your normal routine without skipping a beat. We recommend monthly diamond glow treatments to all of our clients to maintain skin health.
Botox has been a popular treatment for men for years. Using it as an anti aging corrective measure, will keep the expression lines soft and the face looking relaxed. Men have thicker skin and stronger muscles, which results in the expression lines in the upper areas of the face looking more defined. Starting on botox prior to the development of the lines is the perfect prevention to aging. Once lines are formed, they can still be treated! Regular botox injections will help soften the expression lines, revealing a younger appearance. Our nurse injector, Anne, has a wide range of experience working with men to help them achieve their desired results.
Broad Band Light(BBL) treatments are great for men that have spent a lot of time outside. Whether golfting, farming or other activities, the constant sun exposure, on un protected skin, can result in sun spots. Without the option of makeup to cover these spots, BBL is a great option to target the unwanted brown spots or red facial veins for a more even complexion. Depending on the severity of the damage it may be necessary for up to 3 treatments to achieve desired results. Following the treatments, your esthetician will guide you to the proper products for your skin to assure protection and prevention of future damage.
Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted hair is easily removed with our fast and effective Vectus Laser. With the largest spot size on the market, most comfortable and the fastest treatment times available, it makes treating full back and chest areas a breeze. Laser treatments for unwanted hair are faster, cleaner and more effective than waxing. With amazing reduction in about 4-6 treatments you’ll never have to wax again. Maintenance treatments will be scheduled as needed to keep the skin soft and hair free.
Halo Hybrid Fractionated Laser has quickly become popular with our male clientele. With amazing long lasting results seen in just 5 days, this laser targets surface discoloration, fine lines, pore size and deep wrinkles. Stimulation of collagen leads results seen for months past the treatment time. Depending on the significance of the pigment on the surface of the skin, your esthetician may recommend combining a BBL treatment to your Halo. This leaves the skin bright and clear with no added downtime.
Schedule today
If you’re ready to take your skin to the next level, contact our office today to schedule your complimentary skin assessment. We value our male clientele and are happy to help you achieve your desired skin results. Whether you’re sporting a beard or not, our staff will customize the perfect treatment plan just for you!