I cannot believe it has been 4 months since my breast augmentation and breast lift surgery with Kansas City plastic surgeon, Dr. Matt Chhatre! I have completely slacked with my blogging, but everything has been so perfect, there really was nothing to report. I am completely thrilled with my results, and can 100% say that I would recommend anyone that is interested or been on the fence about it, to just do it- you won’t regret it. If you have any specific questions or think you want to talk with Dr. Chhatre, please feel free to contact me directly or our office and any of our girls can help you.
I’m really excited to share this story with you all, as well as my results. To show off my results, I had a photoshoot with Booker T. Brown 3 months following my procedure, for ‘after’ photos. I was so nervous going into it, but I have to tell you, if any of you have thought about doing something like this- do it! I NEVER would have even considered something like this pre surgery, but with added confidence from my surgery, the photo shoot was so much fun, and the photos turned out AMAZING! I spent an entire morning looking and feeling beautiful and got all of it captured on film! He had an amazing girl that did my hair and makeup, which I think turned out perfect. I brought several different outfits and had so much fun shooting in each one. Booker really did an amazing job of making me feel completely comfortable with myself and the entire process. His creativity came out in the photos and at my viewing I was completely speechless and shocked that I was looking at myself, the pictures looked amazing. Check out his website and he has a private Facebook group you can ask to join to learn more about the process and get connected with other women who have or are wanting to do photos like this. Thank you to Booker, for being awesome, helping me fight my insecurities and being easy to be vulnerable around, I had so much fun, and I want to do it again!
My last blog was only 9 days post surgery, I was doing pretty good at that point, but I do know I went back to work a bit too soon. I waspretty swollen and uncomfortable at the end of each day. I can also say I definitely underestimated the breast lift. I really thought that would be a walk in the park and I would have more pain and discomfort from the implants. I had that completely backwards. I would say that I had actual pain from the implants for about 5 days and what I wouldn’t really call pain, but an achy discomfort for a couple of weeks off and on from the breast lift. BUT— I wouldn’t change a thing, the breast lift was necessary and they look incredible! I had difficulty getting back into my normal groove as quickly as I thought I would, but I still recovered so fast. I had to keep paper tapes on the incisions to help with healing and to protect the incision areas for close to 3 weeks. My skin is pretty sensitive and didn’t like the tape very much and I would get random blisters, so we took that off at 2 weeks, to save my skin. With the breast lift there are 5 removable sutures that have to removed from each breast- 4 around each areola and one at the T-Junction of the anchor scar. I have seen these sutures removed probably a hundred times or more and I was pretty nervous about the pain associated with having them removed- I have to say I was pleasantly surprised that I felt NOTHING. Jennifer did an amazing job, and I was also still a bit numb. I wore my ‘post surgical’ type bra for at least 3 weeks following the surgery every day and night, and a sports bras after that for about 8-10 weeks- the compression just felt necessary.
Getting back into the gym was what I was most anxious about. I do some sort of cardio and weight training each day and was worried about how long it would be before I could get back into my normal routine. In just 2 weeks after my surgery Kansas City Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Chhatre gave me the go ahead to start slowly increasing the intensity of cardio. I couldn’t push a vacuum at this point so there was no way I was going to be lifting any weights 🙂 I remember being so excited to be able to domore than just a slow steady walk and by the 3 week mark I was back at my normal intensity cardio. I couldn’t use my arms in any way, but I could elevate my heart rate and sweat with no problems- which felt SO good. At week 5 I was good to start adding my lower body strength training into my routine, so I hit my legs hard and often. I was doing high intensity cardio every day and working my legs every other day. My first upper body strength training day was 6 weeks following my surgery and I decided to try working my shoulders. I felt weak and couldn’t do much, but it was progress and by week 9, I was back to all of my normal workouts(with the exception of my chest). I did my first chest workout around week 12, and have just started doing a weekly chest day within the last 3 weeks.
So, here I am at 4 months. I am SO HAPPY. I had my last exam with Dr. Chhatre at the 3 month mark- he would like to see my implants settle a little more, which they will, but I’m completely happy with them sitting a little high- you can see how high they are in some of the pictures, but they have even dropped some since then. I still sleep in my post surgical bra every night, I still feel like I need that security, that is not something that is required this far out, but I can say, it feels the most comfortable to have it on while sleeping. I did get fitted at Victoria’s Secret and for the first time, have been able to buy some pretty cute bras! I am now left with zero pain or discomfort and really can’t even feel the implants, I do have a little numbness left around the incisions, but that’s it. So, all in all, I’m thrilled with my look, incision, size and shape. I am so happy with the natural look and feel, and am so happy that I went with the silicone gel implants.
I hope that these blogs helped any one who is considering breast augmentation, a breast lift or both in the Kansas City area. I don’t think that I could be happier with my results and highly recommend anyone thinking about it to go for it! If you have any additional questions about the surgery or even the photoshoot, please let me know or contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chhatre.