Relief, Reassurance, And Natural-Looking Results

Dr. Matt Chhatre performs breast reduction surgery serving the greater Kansas City MO area. Overly large breasts and heavy breasts can cause some women to experience self-image issues. The extra weight can cause significant pain in the back, neck and shoulders. This condition can limit your physical activity, irritate skin beneath the breast crease, cause deep, painful indentations from your bra straps, and bring you unwanted attention from others. If you are suffering because of large, heavy breasts, surgery can help. To find out more about how breast reduction surgery can benefit you, contact our office serving the greater Kansas City area to schedule a consultation.

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The Breast Reduction Procedure

Breast reduction consists primarily of the removal of excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size more proportionate to your body. This will relieve the discomfort associated with overly large breasts and restore a natural balance to your body. A breast reduction procedure begins with anesthesia for comfort during the operation. The surgeon will typically create an incision around or directly below the nipple. Next, the underlying breast tissue is reduced, lifted and reshaped to create a more youthful contour and increase firmness. The nipple and areola are then repositioned. Once the breasts are reshaped, the remaining skin is tightened and incisions are closed. Scars resulting from the operation are concealed in the breast contours. Some incision lines on the breast surface are permanent, but usually fade and improve over time.

Risks Of Breast Reduction Surgery

Women considering breast reduction surgery need to be in good physical health, preferably maintaining stable body weight, and have realistic expectations. Like any surgical procedure, a breast reduction does involve some risks, such as unfavorable scars, infection, persistent pain, swelling and bruising. Dr. Chhatre will discuss the risks with candidates during their consultation.

Choose Dr. Matt Chhatre For Your Breast Reduction

Selecting a plastic surgeon with outstanding credentials and an excellent track record is the best way to ensure your breast reduction recovery is smooth and results are flattering. Dr. Matt Chhatre is an expert in his field with proven credentials and many satisfied patients. He is a certified plastic surgeon, a clinical assistant professor of surgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri, a fellow at the American College of Surgeons, and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).

Schedule An Appointment

If you have exceptionally large or heavy breasts, and are experiencing either physical or psychological pain as a result, Dr. Chhatre can reduce the size of your breasts and help you attain a youthful, attractive bust line. His expert care can make you look great, relieve physical discomfort, and help you feel more confident and beautiful. To find out more about the benefits of a breast reduction and how it may improve your quality of life, contact our office serving the greater Kansas City area today.