Experience Fat Removal And Body Sculpting In A Whole New Way

With so many body sculpting treatments available on the market today, it’s hard to decide what the best option is to see the best results.  At our Kansas City Plastic Surgery Clinic, Dr. Chhatre has done extensive research to bring in the most effective treatment to incorporate into our procedure offerings.

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VASERlipo is the perfect alternative to traditional liposuction, using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology to deliver unmatched results.  If you’re ready to attack your stubborn body fat contact our office for a consultation with Kansas City’s best plastic surgeon, Dr. Matt Chhatre.

VASERlipo was introduced and  has been FDA approved for targeting unwanted fat since 2001.  This innovative procedure is powerful enough to eliminate substantial amounts of fat all while remaining gentle enough to be used on delicate areas, such as the neck.  This technology allows Dr. Chhatre to treat multiple areas in one procedure, at one time in our State Accredited Operating Suite.  Although, there are limited amounts of fat that can be removed at one time, Dr. Chhatre will assist you, during your private detailed consultation,  in making the appropriate decision to ensure you see the best results possible.  This minimally invasive alternative to traditional liposuction  allows Dr. Chhatre to create realistic looking curves and treat hard to fix areas, as well, as small touch up areas with minimal downtime and smooth,  predictable results

With this advanced ultrasound technology that is tissue-selective only unwanted fat is removed, preserving surrounding tissues to reveal smooth contours and rapid healing.  Ultrasound liposuction can be used on most areas of the body, including: tummy, hips, love handles, waist, buttocks, back, thighs, arms, male chest(gynecomastia), knees, chin and face.

VASERlipo Vs. Traditional Liposuction

While traditional liposuction has been proven to be an effective body contouring procedure, there are more limitations and downsides going that route.  VASERlipo is unique in its ability to save important tissues while targeting unwanted fat cells.  While dislodging fat cells from the fatty tissue matrix and leaving other important tissues intact, the results are beautiful  with rapid healing.  During the procedure the area to be treated is filled with a tumescent saline solution, which numbs the treatment area and shrinks blood vessels.  This solution temporarily expands the volume of the area, making the fat cells easier to target and remove.   Next, through a small probe the ultrasound energy dislodges fat, which is then removed through a gentle suction process. Another benefit to this amazing procedure is unlike traditional liposuction, there is far less bruising, pain, swelling,  faster recovery  and an extra bonus of moderate skin tightening is achieved following the procedure.

Combine VASERLipo With Other Cosmetic Procedures

This versatile procedure is great to be combined with more extensive surgeries as a great option to receive the optimal results.  It is a great add on procedure to the love handles, hips or thighs with abdominoplasty, or the back area for breast augmentation, the chin area with a facelift, and can sometimes take the place of the gynecomastia procedure or leaving a very small amount left to be done.

VASERlipo Recovery

Even though VASERlipo is a minimally invasive procedure with limited downtime, it is still important to rest and let your body recover.  Full activity is restricted and rest is recommended for at least the first 12 hours.  Strenuous activity should be avoided for approximately 2-3 weeks following the procedure to ensure the best results and recovery.  A post procedure compression garment is provided to help the skin contract smoothly to the body’s new shape.  Following all post procedure instructions are key to achieving the sculpted look you are going for.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you’re ready to get the curves you’ve always wanted, or touch up a stubborn hard to lose area, contact our Kansas City area Summit Plastic Surgery & MedSpa plastic surgery office today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Chhatre.